Halloween Festival 2014, HOT!

20141031_205226_1What can I tell you. The 41st annual Halloween Festival Parade was off the hook! I dressed up as a Vampire photographer, complete with fangs, the real deal.  I won’t waste your time with excess blah blah here but it’s crucial to add that the lovely and talented Oscar winning actress, Whoopi Goldberg did the honors this year as the Grand Marshall. New York has no shortage of creative people and they sure showed up in thousands dressed up in every kind of costume imaginable. They definitely did not disappoint. As expected, “club” floats played music along the routes and I couldn’t help myself. Armed with my camera, I too danced my way up 6th avenue taking the pictures featured below. Click on the images to see an enlarged version. This is one of my favorite parades in the city. Please enjoy the pictures and be sure to check out the ones posted on my Facebook page as well.

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Whoopi Goldberg as the Grand Marshall

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  1. Wow, It looks like all the ghouls & ghost were out on Halloween night! I hope you had a blast, great pics!

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