Juneteenth 2020

It’s Juneteenth! A sacred day to many Black Americans and completely new knowledge to the mainstream. Like the Tulsa Race Massacre, Juneteenth is hardly emphasized in school curriculum along with many other white washed horrific history of America. Juneteenth marks the day slaves in America were emancipated from their bondage on June 19, 1865.

History is meant to be told as it is but not in the US where the truth is hard to swallow much less accepted as the reality now engrained in our society. One can never hide smoke where there’s fire. The truth will always come to light…no matter how many centuries spent to cover it up. Alas! Here we are, Juneteenth is now front and center on the heels of many slain unarmed black men with George Floyd being the last straw much like Rosa Park was for segregation decades ago. Thousands of law abiding citizens took to the streets in NYC to press on for racial justice. We can only hope that we are on to a turning point of racial justice that will benefit our kids and their kids if not us their parents. This is precisely why I take part in these peaceful protest, to be on the right side of history.

Be sure to watch the videos below, especially the first one where you’ll be schooled on past riots by Africans in the 1700 before slavery was finally abolished in the 1840s. I definitely learnt a lot today.

Happy Juneteenth! Free at last, free at last…are we? Hmm…

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