2024 ushered in another successful and trauma free Pride March down 5th Avenue in New York City, considering the current political climate dividing the nation. Opinions, religious beliefs, political alliances, et.al, were all kept at bay for a common cause. Everyone, collectively, subconsciously decided to have one of the best Pride March the city has ever seen! Well… not until the nature up in the sky literally rained on the parade. Luckily, it was towards the end of the festivities. Nevertheless, Revelers didn’t let that dampen the mood. Many came prepared with umbrellas and plastic covers.
The march had a steller of Grandmarshalls which included Michelle Visage, Dashawn Usher, Raquel Willis and Miss Major.
It’s important to point out the very obvious extra security measures the city took in ensuring the event wasn’t interrupted. The usual single lined barricades were doubled up! This hindered a lot of corporate parade participants, who would normally hand out free merchants to onlookers, from reaching their target audience. Many of such merchandise littered the inner barricades placed between them. That was a bit of a downer, especially for young kids who had to struggle in grabbing the items.
Hopefully, a better measure could be in place going forward. Better yet, we hope things would return to the normal and more familiar protocol.
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The video from the pride march is on instagram.

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