Shoeholics Magazine anniversary/holiday party took place on November 29, 2012 in New York City. So here’s my take on things, my 2 cents: What did you expect? OF COURSE IT WAS A SMASHING SUCCESS!!!
It took me more than 3 days just to get myself to write this blog, still recovering from the success and post coverage. Word has it that the party even made it all the way into paper in Europe! A copy is one the way to me now and I can’t wait to see it with my own eyes.
The party turned out far better than I had expected I must admit. Our main sponsor Kelley Simons was over the moon and enjoyed every bit of it. For me, seeing a sponsor happy is always important for any successful event. Without their support, there really will be no party…well, kind of. Full list of sponsors AND VIDEO FOOTAGE can be seen on Shoeholics website.
As expected, the night brought out some of the best shoe lovers! It was hard for me to select the Best Shoes of the night to win the shoe shaped handbag. The lovely host Sierra Scott in Swarovski crystal studded sandals could have easily won it had she not been the host. The other potential winner could have also been J.T. Anderson in Massimo Dogana thigh high snakeskin boots! Gosh, the choice was tough. In the end, Flory took home the honor when it was brought to my attention that she had designed her own shoes just for the party! How could anyone not award that kind of effort and dedication?
I sincerely apologize to some of the guests that arrived on time only to find us still setting up for the party! Pranna lounge, where the party was hosted, had us set up only 30 minutes to event start time after being told earlier that we could set up much earlier for the party. We had to do the impossible from setting up cakes, props, raffles, the works. We didn’t even get a chance to put up most of our decor. Needless to say, the Dukas glass dome decor stand by the UpperRoom Event (one of the proud sponsors) was the most photographed spot at the party. Everyone couldn’t get enough of the jaw dropping concept, having legs for heels! J’adore! Pranna turned out to be a good venue for our first year doing this party.
The lovely and charming Venus entertained the guests. She herself a shoe lover, didn’t hesitate to take on the gig despite having to come all the way from New Jersey for the event. Prior to the event, she hadn’t been to New York for a little over a year. She was very selfless to the point where she won one of the shoe raffled that night and donated it back for others to get the chance of winning! I have never met a selfless shoe lover before. It’s usually every girl for herself when talking about shoes! I have seen the claws at samples sales! Venus is an exceptional lady! 🙂
The dazzling array of shoes up for grabs had me batting my lashes and wide eyed. I had my heart set on one particular one by Francesco Sacco, the only one in my size at the raffle. I had high hopes that no one would claim it but was near tears when a tall regal looking Alvertis claimed it. Wishful thinking. I suppose I can’t be selfish and claim it all. Francesco Sacco had one specially made for me for the party, my heart was racing fast when I opened the box and out comes “little heaven on earth.” It arrived at my home 3 hours to the event via DHL still smelling of the factory in Italy! Ahhh…the smell of fresh shoes, intoxicating!
So now that the party is in the bag and more behind the scene coverage coming up in the April/June 2013 print issue of Shoeholics Magazine, many people are writing to us asking for an encore! Hmm…I suppose this calls for an annual event. We just might have a good reason to strut in our favorite shoes around the holidays. We do hope to be able to pull it off. If only we could get a liquor sponsor to back this up. Nothing beats a party with a free flowing open bar. Hear! Hear! Happy holidays!

With Editor Dodai Stewart and Jonathan Schnapp's (aka DJ Workhorse) and event host Sierra Scott at the Shoeholics Magazine anniversary/holiday party in NYC.

Italian designer Massimo Dogana and VH1 TV personality Elizabeth Ann at the Shoeholics Magazine anniversary/holiday party in NYC
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