Taxi Accident Leaves A Pregnant Lady Shaken In NYC

I was on my way to see the horror alien flick, Prometheus when suddenly a taxi came screeching off the road and onto the sidewalk, just across the movie theater near Union Square. The Cosi eatery was hit and so was a 4 month pregnant lady who was terribly shaken – an example of classic New York City car accident. People rushed to her aid while some of us with recording devices recorded the scene as well as the car’s plate number just in case it was a hit and run incident, similar to the one that took the life of a 21 year-old girl just a block away from the same location a few weeks ago. Seems like everybody these days should know what to do if injured like this and asking ourselves: how much is my case worth?, – you just never know.

I really hope the mother and the baby are doing fine. An ambulance was on its way before I departed the scene. Please feel free to share this information and video. I personally do not remember seeing the driver there. God help us all.

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