Valerie, A World Class Belly Dancer


Valerie teaching me a few moves

New York City is known for many things but I don’t think many people can boost of having met one of the world’s best. I was lucky to find myself at Casa La Femme restaurant in New York City during a birthday celebration where Valerie Levine had us all gazing with our mouths on the floor. She’s definitely not your everyday performer. This talented lady is so well rounded in all types of dance ranging from Belly Dancing to Ballroom. Valerie skillfully combined them during her belly dancing routine at the restaurant. For instance, when was the last time you saw a belly dancer do a full split while balancing a tray of burning candles on her stomach? It’s a walk in the park for Valerie!

Be sure to check her out at You won’t regret it. She was kind enough to teach me a few moves too! Très bien Valerie!

See some of the pictures I captured on my cell phone below.

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