May 27, 2012: Gays have parades, Puerto Ricans have parades, Carribeans have parades, Irish have parades and let’s not forget the Africans either. So why not Vegetarians? Well, as you can imagine, this is New York City where anything goes. I witnessed for the first time, a Veggie Pride Parade which marched from the Meatpacking District before concluding and settling down on Union Square Park, organized by the Viva
Vegie Society. This took place during the Memorial Day holiday weekend when the city empties out to the Hamptons with people in search of serenity on sandy beaches.
I myself, as a newly minted vegetarian going on one year now (if you don’t count my occasional fish consumption once in a blue moon, which I am looking to give up next) I was more than eager to listen to what the guest speaker had to say. I actually learned something new, things like eating right and supplementing some products to gain the necessary nutrition for my body. The event had insightful vendors present to further educate people on diet and raised animal cruelty awareness using disturbing, heart wrenching images of maltreated animals that would make any red blooded humans to think twice before eating meat next time.
Obviously it wasn’t a mass appeal event, so it wasn’t crowded. I was able to hear them speak and took my time in collecting pamphlets and networked with other vegetarians present.
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