Super fans of Bridgerton, the hit TV series by Netflix, had a chance to dip their millennial toes in the Regency London period by way of New York. The immersive celebration encouraged guests to dress up in period garbs, enabling some to get creative as their favorite characters from the series. The pomp and circumstance (complete with “portrait painting”) had no shortage of courtiers, Page Boys, Vallets, Ladies-in-waiting…and dare I say, the majestic Queen Charlotte herself. Her loyal subjects didn’t hesitate to curtsy and bow upon her entrance into the “throne room”. The affair was perfectly timed to promote the debut of the spin-off Queen Charlotte series on Netflix.
Lady Whistledown could be heard but unseen…filing the airways with the much needed and highly anticipated gossip… I mean agenda of the occasion.
The 90 minute soiree gave the guests their beloved love story of a young Queen Charlotte and Prince George, expertedly choreographed by actors of course. Even I almost forgot they weren’t the real thing!
Be sure to see it for yourself in the video footage below.
Click on images below for enlarged version.

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