Half a century already?! Congrats Village Halloween on strutting up 6th Ave for the 50th time! The gawds of rain and thunder certainly heard the cries and prayers of the people. The rain held up, allowing celebrants from far and near, young and old, to celebrate New York City’s beloved Halloween Parade without any glitches! For the first time, since the covid haitus, I truly enjoyed myself! With 2 of my dearest friends in tow, dressed in full blown costumes, there was no room to slack! We made the most of it by staying in character as we danced our way up the parade route. My friends Ty-Ron Mayes wooed the crowd in professionally kitted Blacular (which he did himself), and Philip Bloch turned up as the adorable “cautionary boyfriend”, and yours truly decked out in blonde afro wig, vampire fangs and skeletal printed puffer… Alas! The unusually 3 musketeers sashayed through the parade gleefully!
Videos can be seen on my Facebook and instagram pages.

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