It’s not everyday one gets a chance to meet a living legend with talents for keen details through a lense! Such was the case last night at the Museum of Art and Design in NYC where a private screening of famed photographer Harry Benson’s documentary was held. The gracious hostess Barbara Tober and Harry’s friendship goes back decades. To watch both trailblazers reunite and share the stories of their early days was beautiful and inspiring.
The documentary “Harry Benson: Shoot First” detailed Harry Benson’s extraordinary journey with The Beatles from the very start to his remarkable presence at groundbreaking historical moments. Such as Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. While some people may have regarded his presence at such incidences as detached from humanity, his photography gave the world a bird’s eye view into those landmark historical moments. The pictures told a thousand words that can not be disputed. Most of his iconic snaps are forever etched in our memories.
Armed with my cell phone camera, in true Harry style, he didn’t miss a beat to direct our selfie with great sense of humor. I’ll forever cherish the experience.
The video reel of the party and Harry Benson’s heartfelt speech can be seen on Facebook and instagram.

Harry Benson

Barbara Tober

Anthony Haden-Guest

Greg Grimes, Jonathan Marder, Gigi Benson

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