Mind Over Madness!

13490837_10154319736994602_6844227914248089691_oThe bold, brave and beautiful came out in full force earlier today to convene at the cross roads of the world, Times Square! Every level of flexibility and body shape braved the onslaught of endless tourists camera trained on them during downward dog and many other compromising yoga asanas. Nothing left in shock value when it comes to dealing with New Yorkers. Safe to say we’ve seen it all and done it all. New Yorkers celebrated summer solstice in true New York style, barely clothed in the heart of the city, maintaining a complete zen in the midst of the madness! This would mark the 14th anniversary since the Times Sq. Alliance launched this fitness movement. Oh, don’t miss me in the pictured above executing a headstand…just warming up of course. 🙂

All the pictures were taken using my cell phone. Not bad uh.

To see the images upclose simply click on it.
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