What better way to spend a lovely weekend if not with friends and well accomplished individuals who all have strong cultures and great sense of humor in common. I was invited to be one of the esteemed presenters at the African Diaspora Awards under the auspices of Applause Magazine, a publication which pretty much mimics the primary purpose of what the award is all about. The African Diaspora Awards (ADA) is a special initiative that aims to celebrate exemplary individuals who have made a significant difference in the African community in the United States, as well as individuals in society who have contributed to the advancement of Africans and Africa as a whole. The ADA award is particularly aimed at motivating young and accomplished Diaspora Africans to become the change they wish for Africa. I was very honored to have been asked to partake in it. I had a lovely time meeting old friends and making new ones. Congratulations to all of the honorees which included Yaya Alafia from the hit movie “The Butler” starring Forrest Whitaker, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Leymah Gbowe from Liberia and Manyang Reath Kher for his humanitarian work in Sudan. I co-presented the Musician of the Year award with Don Osmund to Blitz the Ambassador. It was a fabulous affair!
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