My First Billbard Ad On Times Square

I am extremely nervous and excited at the same time. A weird mix but thrilled nonetheless even if this might be the only time I can do this. I hope to be able to do many more. Oh well…time will tell. (Amen)

Without further ado my dear friends, I present my first billboard ad for Shoeholics Magazine on Times Square! What is that saying? “Adapt or die?” Whew!


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  1. It was Sooooo much fun working with you making your CD Gurlfriend. Hope to do it again sometime. Gotta give a shout out to the BOLT BUS!!! The worlds least accommodating bus service. But damn Bolt Bus…
    you’re cheap!!

    • LOL! Hey it got me there faster and cheaper. What’s a girl to do? Had to save up so that I could now pay for this billboard ad today LOL! Love you man 😉

  2. Rennie Grant says

    It was Sooo much fun making the CD “Shoeholics” with you Tinu.
    A. Very Talented
    B. Very funny
    C. Definitely a shoeholic.
    This ain’t no sham peoples. She crazy about shoes.

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