Alas! The wait of 3 excruciating years finally passed today! Covid be damned! Not a single mask insight at the long awaited West Indies festivities in Brooklyn on Labor day. After 3 year haitus, thanks to Ms. Rona…revelers came out and showed out! What normally takes a year in costume preparation took 3 long years this time around. It turned out to be my best one yet. It felt more organized and well paced. Despite starting an hour late, it didn’t deter the mood at all. The usual dignitaries and luminaries of the big apple made their way first as per protocol. Spectators who lined the wide shoulders of Easter Parkway were greeted warmly by AL Sharpton, Mayor Eric Adams, and a few others. There was no shortage of armed police officers scattered about considering the rise in crime in the city since the pandemic. Nevertheless, they were extremely friendly and eager to assist anyone in need of help. Shortly after the officials passed the judges tables seated by the Brooklyn Museum, the main party started. Elaborate colorful costumes filled the stretch of the parkway coupled with high decibels of Caribbean music from just about every genre. Brooklyn felt very much alive! I haven’t danced this hard since college! I’m sore all over! 🙈
Check out the video footage and images below. Until next year, please be safe out there!
Click on the images to enlarge.

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