Yes! If there’s one thing we all humans possess, it’s definitely flaws! No one is spared, and no amount of elective surgery can alter that either. The same goes for emotional flaws. Fashion Model Bethany Chasteen has taken it upon herself to initiate a rather unique charitable endeavor, using her own flaws as a prime example, to celebrate, uplift and empower individuals that have experienced deep life altering physical and emotional trauma. She herself underwent grave medical alteration at the young age of 4. She is living with Sickle Cell Anemia, which led to life-saving emergency surgery of spleen removal and a significant scar across her abdomen.
The “Love Flaws Foundation” initiative offers individuals with visible scars or emotional trauma a unique opportunity to share their stories and highlight their strength through fashion and art. I had the opportunity of hearing some of these stories first hand at the 2nd annual photoshoot celebration of Love Flaws. Stories ranged from an individual who lost her baby at 14 months old to a genetic disorder, another member was abused numerous times while in foster homes, to several others with various forms of physical and medical disabilities.
Bethany created this to empower individuals to embrace their own flaws, promote self-love, and challenge societal standards of beauty. Fashion powerhouse, Cult of Individuality, generously hosted and donated their swanky showroom space in the garment district for the photoshoot event. Love Flaws is an all-inclusive non-profit organization.
See the video from the event posted on Instagram.

Foumder of Love Flaws, Bethany Chasteen

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