NYC Celebrates Kidnapped Nigerian Girls Discovery!


For months, the whole world was rife with the disappearance of the kidnapped Nigerian Chibok 200+ girls with individuals, celebrities and world leaders taking to social media with the hashtag #bringourgirlsback. Rumors are now circulating with major headlines posted on Time magazine’s website that the girls may have been found! That alone calls for celebration in my opinion. The news could have been worse. Today, the famous Empire State building in New York City wasted no time in honoring this potential good news by lighting their building with the colors of the Nigerian flag, making it the very first time in history the building has ever done so. On that note, I myself wasted no time in capturing the historical moment with my camera. I intend to print out these images and frame them in my home to commemorate such a special occasion, for the girls and for my fellow human kind for showing kindness at a time like this. Thank you New York, thank you America!

If you have any interest in getting a copy of this image for home display, please do not hesitate to contact Please spread the word!

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