Alas! I finally set foot in the world renowned, forward thinking Whitney Museum! I don’t know what took me this long considering how much I love any art form!
A few days ago, for the highly anticipated Art Party, the Whitney transformed into Studio 59… I mean 99! That was the prefered number in the press release. The art filled disco themed night soiree gathered together some of the best well-dressed denizens of New York City, in celebration of art and culture. The dynamic duo DJ The Muses kept the energy in the room up with vibrant, energetic disco themed playlist, appropriate for the festivities. Endless variaties of libations and passed hors d’oeuvres was in heavy rotation.
The Art Party is essentially a fundraising event, hosted by the Whitney Contemporaries, in honor of young patrons, emerging artists, and art enthusiasts. This year, it was co-chaired by Steven Beltrani, Micaela Erlanger, Christine Sun Kim, Tabboo, and my dear friend, philantropist and art afficionado Alexander Hankin.
I’ve heard so much about this event, and had never been! Thanks to my dear friend Avalon Bellos for ensuring I didn’t miss it. The Whitney Museum is currently showing the world renowned Alvin Ailey’s “Edges of Ailey”, which in itself is a must-see.
Embrace the vibrant spirit of the ’70s as you dance the night away and explore our captivating exhibitions, including the landmark Edges of Ailey. Enjoy cocktails, passed bites, and music while celebrating art and culture in true disco fashion.
For the occasion, the optical illusion of the bare female form came in handy. I got back in the Jean Paul Gaultier naked dress that had all the cab drivers running away from me a few years ago, thinking I was in the buff. Thank goodness for an Uber account now, I escaped that “walk of shame”. The female form is a work of art, appropriately so for a museum event!
Click here on instagram to watch the vibrance of event video posted.

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